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Press Releases

  • Blessing of the Animals Press Release Pets Will Flock to Old North Church & Historic Site for the Annual Blessing of the Animals
  • National Park Service Investment Press Release National Park Service Invests $1.7 million into Old North Church & Historic Site to Fund Accessibility Upgrades and Capital Improvements in Advance of the Nation’s Semiquincentennial Celebration in 2026
  • Lanterns & Luminaries 2024 Press Release Commander Billie J. Farrell to Receive Third Lantern Award at Old North Church & Historic Site
    New Exhibit Press Release Old North Church Celebrates 300th Anniversary with “Sparking Revolutions” New Exhibit Explores the Historic Site’s Role in American Revolution and Ties to Enslavement (August 10, 2023)
  • Crypt Door Installation Media Alert Restored Tomb Doors Installation to Complete Crypt Renovation at Old North Church & Historic Site (October 18, 2023)
  • Blessing of the Animals Media Alert Pets Flock to Old North Church & Historic Site for the Annual Blessing of the Animals (October 1, 2022)
  • Site of Conscience Press Release Old North Church & Historic Site Becomes a Site of Conscience
  • July 4 Media Alert Old North Church & Historic Site Celebrates Independence Day with Performances of “Paul Revere’s Ride,” an Original Play, Children’s Story Time, Guided Tours, and a Historical Summer Clothing Presentation
  • June 3 Performance Art Event Media Alert Old North Church to Host Folklore Performing Artist Dzidzor for an Experimental Multimedia Performance Exploring Faith, Black Women, and Social Justice
  • Original Play Press Release Old North Church Celebrates 300th Anniversary with an Original Play; Historic Site Partners with Plays in Place to Produce Revolution’s Edge: Opens June 15th
  • Lanterns & Luminaries 2023 Press Release Annette Gordon-Reed to be Honored with Old North Illuminated’s Third Lantern Award; Pulitzer Prize-Winning Historian to Serve as Keynote Speaker at Event Celebrating the Anniversary of Paul Revere’s Ride and Old North Church’s 300th Birthday
  • April 15 Celebration Media Alert Old North Church Celebrates its 300th Birthday with Free Day of Programming; Launches New Audio Tour in English and Spanish
  • Audio Tours Press Release Old North Illuminated Receives Grants from The Lynch Foundation and The Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation to Develop Content for New Self-Guided Audio Tours and K-12 Curriculum to be Used Nationwide (November 8, 2022)
  • Name Change Press Release Introducing Old North Illuminated: Old North Church & Historic Site and its Foundation Let History Light the Way (October 20, 2022)
  • Blessing of the Animals Media Alert Pets Flock to Old North Church & Historic Site for the Annual Blessing of the Animals (September 8, 2022)
  • July 4 Event Media Alert The Old North Church & Historic Site Celebrates Independence Day with Paul Revere Readings, Live Music, Guided Tours and a Historical Scavenger Hunt (June 13, 2022)
  • First Female Sexton Press Release Old North Church & Historic Site Welcomes Chelsea Millsap as the 1st Female Sexton in 300 Years (May 5, 2022)
  • Clough House Re-Opening Press Release Old North Church & Historic Site Re-Opens the 1715 Clough House; Launches Heritage Goods + Gifts Shop and Revives the Printing Office of Edes & Gill (March 29, 2022)
  • Third Lantern Award Press Release Michael R. Bloomberg to Receive the Old North Foundation’s Third Lantern Award (March 29, 2022)
  • Blessing of the Animals Media Alert Pets Flock to Old North Church & Historic Site for the Annual Blessing of the Animals (September 21, 2021)
  • Window Restoration Press Release Old North Church & Historic Site Restores Windows in its Early 20th-Century Chapel (July 16, 2021).
  • Old North Bloomberg Foundation Press Release Old North Church & Historic Site Receives Multi-Year Support from Bloomberg Philanthropies to Preserve Church’s Legacy  (June 11, 2021)
  • July 3 Event Media Alert The Old North Church & Historic Site Kicks Off Independence Day Weekend with Paul Revere Readings, Live Music and a Book Signing featuring Make Way for Ducklings Sculptor Nancy Schön
    Saturday, July 3 (June 8, 2021)
  • Avery Clock Restoration Release  The Old North Church & Historic Site’s 18th Century Avery-Bennett Clock is Ticking Once Again Thanks to 2nd Generation Clock Repairman Ken Pearson (June 8, 2021)
  • Site Re-Opening Press Release The Old North Church & Historic Site Re-Opens for Tourists and Celebrates its Role in Igniting the American Revolution on Patriots’ Day Weekend Saturday, April 17 (April 12, 2021).

Media Highlights