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Old North Illuminated inspires active citizenship and courageous, compassionate leadership by interpreting and preserving the Old North Church, an iconic landmark of the American Revolution. ONI makes the past relevant to contemporary audiences through on-site interpretation of the historic site and the development of digital programming for classrooms and adult learners across the country.

Old North Illuminated Staff


Nikki Stewart

Executive Director

Pamela Bennett
Catherine Matthews

Director of Strategy & Special Projects

Emily Spence

Director of Education

Julius James

Visitor Experience Manager

Jason Fishman

Marketing Manager

Brian Vasser
Brian Punch

Retail Operations Manager

Board of Directors

Angela Johnson | Chair

Senior Director of Philanthropy, Year Up United

Eliot Cohen | Clerk

Director, Digital Transformation at OutSystems

Susan Eddy | Treasurer

Retired, Wealth Management

Nikki Stewart

Executive Director, Old North Illuminated

Jeff Bray

Chief Financial Officer, Semper

Maryann Brink

Senior Lecturer, History, UMass Boston

The Rev. Dr. Matthew Cadwell

Vicar, Old North Church

Jeffrey Caplan

Business and Marketing Consulting

Nancy Csaplar

Retired, Educational Media, Television and Nonprofit Services

Jillian C. McGrath

Senior Vice President, UBS

Nicole A. Moore

Public Historian and Consultant, Interpreting Slave Life
Director of Education at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights

Dr. Ann Moritz

Principal, Moritz Advisory Group

Rick Musiol

Director of External Affairs & Community Engagement, Vineyard Offshore

Chernoh Sesay

Associate Professor, Religious Studies, DePaul University

Anne H. Sheetz, RN, MPH

Nurse Executive

Allen Snyder

Financial Representative, Northwestern Mutual

Lucy Steinert

Partner, Meristem Partners

The Rt. Rev. Julia E. Whitworth

Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Purchase Tickets To Visit Old North Church & Historic Site