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Revolution’s Edge

An Original Theatrical Work Commissioned by Old North Illuminated
Produced by Plays in Place
Written by Patrick Gabridge
Directed by Alexandra Smith

Opens Friday, June 7, 2024
Running Wednesday –  Saturday through August 10
Seating starts at 5:30pm

The critically acclaimed play Revolution’s Edge returns to the Old North Church this spring! Written especially for Old North by Plays in Place, this gripping historical drama was a smash hit with audiences last year and was profiled by AP News

Revolution’s Edge takes us to the afternoon of April 18, 1775, hours before the  “two if by sea” signal lanterns would shine from Old North’s steeple. With war on the horizon, Old North’s Loyalist rector, the Rev. Dr. Mather Byles, Jr., is pushed to “resign” his post. As Byles and Cato (an African man enslaved by Byles) prepare to leave the church for the final time, they encounter Capt. John Pulling, Jr., a prominent member of the church congregation, ardent Patriot, and friend of Paul Revere. These three men share a faith but have very different beliefs concerning the right path ahead for themselves, their families, and the colonies. Their conversation explores the intersection of faith and freedom on the edge of the American Revolution.

“Revolution’s Edge is a uniquely engaging time-travel experience…superbly acted and elegantly written…Sitting in those pews in that church gave me goosebumps; I felt our history alive around me, and how connected we all are across time. The resonance in our own day is haunting…Must see.” - Joyce Kulhawik, Arts Critic
The performance is approximately 45 minutes. Seating for the play starts at 5:30pm, and the show begins promptly at 6:00pm. Ticket holders are welcome to explore Old North Church’s sanctuary and new history exhibit between 5:30 and 6:00pm.

We have a limited number of assisted listening devices available for audience members. Please let one of our staff know when you enter the church and we will provide you with one.

$20 – Adults
$10 – Under 18 years old 
Recommended for ages 12 and up 

Praise for Revolution’s Edge

“Revolution’s Edge is a uniquely engaging time-travel experience…superbly acted and elegantly written…Sitting in those pews in that church gave me goosebumps; I felt our history alive around me, and how connected we all are across time. The resonance in our own day is haunting…Must see.”
Joyce Kulhawik, Arts Critic

“It was absolutely an outstanding and riveting production. The staging is so significant as the characters walk the very aisles they moved through 200+ years ago and point to the pews they sat in. The script is so believable…and the acting brought it to life. In a word, it’s powerful!”
Lill Halberg, Audience Member

“The actors were excellent performers and the dialogue was provocative and meaningful for any time period. I especially appreciated the characterization of Cato, a slave of the church pastor who is a Loyalist. It made me think about a slave held by my own revolutionary ancestor and what life must have been like for him.”
Midwest_Roamer22, TripAdvisor Reviewer

“Don’t sleep on this! Make time to go whether you are visiting or a local. So impressed after viewing it on 7/4/23. Not a word or movement wasted! Bravo to the production team, the actors, and organizations that made this happen.”
Angelica Davila, YouTube Reviewer

Captain Pulling and Rev. Mather Byles, Jr. in Revolution's Edge

Cato in Revolution's Edge

Rev. Mathery Byles and Captain John Pulling in Revolution's Edge

Cato in the original play, Revolution's Edge at the Old North Church

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