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Accessibility at Old North Church

The sanctuary of the Old North Church.

At Old North Church & Historic Site, we aim to create experiences that are welcoming and accessible for our visitors. As a historic site that was built over 300 years ago, there are many challenges and obstacles as we improve the church’s accessibility. We are in the planning stage of several projects that will make our campus more accessible for people of all abilities. 


The entrance at 193 Salem Street, Boston, MA provides access to the historic church, the Washington Courtyard and Garden, and an accessible restroom.


An ADA-compliant public restroom is located at the rear of the gift shop through an external door.

Service Dogs

We welcome service dogs. Emotional support dogs, comfort dogs, and other animals are not permitted.


The church sanctuary is accessible for wheelchair users to explore the space.

Currently, our box pews are not wheelchair accessible. If you require wheelchair seating for a historic site event at the church, please contact Emily Spence at in advance and we will work with you to determine the best accommodation possible. If you need accessible seating for a church service, please contact Priscilla Burns at

Due to the historic nature of the buildings, some spaces – such as the steeple and balconies – will always require climbing stairs. Thanks to a partnership with UMass Boston, a virtual reality tour is available to allow you to explore our unique spaces from the comfort of home.

Language Accommodations

Our self-guided tour sheet for the church is available in English, Spanish, and French. Our audio tour is available in English and Spanish.

Visual Accommodations

Our self-guided tour sheets are available in large print. Additionally, the text from our exhibit panels is available in large print binders for visitors who may have difficulty reading smaller text. The exhibit content can also be listened to as narration on the Bloomberg Connects app.

Handheld audio guides are available to support your tour of the church sanctuary. The guide contains 35 minutes of content in English or Spanish. The audio guide is particularly useful for visitors who learn best by listening, or those who may have difficulty reading our exhibit signage.

Auditory Accommodations

Assistive listening devices are available for group tours, church services, and any event in which speaking takes place over our PA system. Please ask a staff member to provide you with a headset.

The script for our audio guide is available upon request.

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